The saga of the bike continues. Got to polishing some of the parts and getting prepped for paint on the engine.
Here is the engine as it sat over the week between Christmas and New Years
Just a little polish and this turns
Into this. I love the polished look and much of the engine is going to be that way.
James is loving eating some more foods and hates peas while loving mom's applesauce.
Ben and Laura and the kids cam over for New Years We had a great time and had a lot of time to just sit back and not do whole bunch of stuff. You really get to enjoy your time off when you spend it with friends.
Ashton loves trucks but was a little bummed that the road construction was done around our house. He loved to see the graders
My mom was out of town so my Dad also made the effort to come all of the way over here. He had a good time and made us some awesome food
Addison and Ashton were a blast and we had a great time. We also have learned that our island counter tops are going to have to be rounded out a bit. All of the kids that come over eventually hit their heads on them and it never ends well.
Here is the cioppino my dad made. It makes my mouth water just thinking about it again.
The main body of the engine is going to be gloss black and the top along with the sides will be polished aluminium.
This week James went to the Children's Discovery Center with Ella. She made him a hat that she misspelled James by reversing the J.....which leads to Lames
For some reason James loves to bite and chew on beer bottles or any other bottle for that matter. Don't worry, I wash them out beforehand.

This kid loves food and when he wants it you know. I guess he gets it...
...from his mother. Wow, the resemblance is striking.
I borrowed a welder from my neighbor and went to town removing and adding things to the frame. You may be asking "John, I didn't know you knew how to weld" to what I say....I don't, or a least didn't before I tried. I figured how hard could it be and it turns out that it is not that hard.
I found a scrap piece of bed frame and built a battery box for the rear section. I also cut a bit of the frame off to make room.
Those welds may not look that great, but I hit them with a hammer and they are strong enough.

This weekend we went for a short walk before the snow hits. Today, it has started to snow and I think it may be pretty bad tomorrow which means....more time to work on the bike.
On a side note I am getting all mad about people on food stamps. I guess this is coming to light because of the stuff Gingrich has said, but then the facts come out and they actually interviewed a woman who has been on them for 5 years trying to make the case for food stamps. If anything this makes me want to cut her off more. If she did not get the food stamps she said she would not be able to make it because of her part time job at the local diner. WTH... part time job. Man that would be nice. Maybe if she was cut off from the food stamps she would be forced to get a full time job or maybe even a second or third one and get her ass in gear and earn her own money instead of asking for handouts. I know the times are hard, but not for that long. If they keep using these pathetic people wanting us to feel sorry for their lazy butts, I am going to puke. On the other hand, I know some people cannot live without the short term assistance and have no problem with that.
So of you are keeping blog score that is 1year lifetime maximum on unemployment and 2 year maximum for food stamps. All other social programs are also on the chopping block.
I LOVE that photo of Brenda! As for food stamps, we always get so mad when the person in line ahead of us at the grocery store has piles of steak, roasts, and other high priced food and pays in food stamps while we check out with maybe one or two breasts of chicken and lots of rice and beans...looks like we could eat a heck of a lot better if we were on food stamps too!
Great photos john, the bike is coming along and that kid......geez he's a cute one. Got to be from his mothers side.
You got to love Gingrich sayin it like it is. Looks like that autograph I got back when he sat next to me on a plane might actually be valuable some day. Miss you guys!
The picture comparison was great. Also, I always thought James looked like Brenda, but while I see some similarities, I think he may take after more of John's side. Who knows? He's James. That is who he looks like.
That picture comparison is hilarious. That's a great picture of both of them! Thanks for posting pics of the kids and our time there. We sure had a great time!
The picture of Brenda as a baby brought back great memories of my not so little sis. We're still at that stage with four-year-old Abby - we try to avoid the kitchen or she remembers that she is hungry.
Wow! What a comparison those photos were. Too cute - both of them..
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