Sunday, March 6, 2011

2 signs of spring...BBall and chicks

As the end of another week approaches, or I guess it is the beginning, I am getting some time to finally download some new pictures and some old ones off of the camera.

We got some Kiwi's the other week or....well it was a long time time ago and I finally got to download the pictures.
Brenda wanted me to eat this one .....I was a bit skeptical. Any thoughts as to what it looks like.
Here is a picture of a hike we went on the other day about 10 minutes form the house. It is only 10 minutes to the trailhead, but it took us 1.5hrs to hike the this view.
Here is the lovely couple. Brenda is quite the trooper and even 6 months pregnant.
The whole hike was to see the waterfall....this is what we got at the end. I guess a waterfall in Washington is not the same as a waterfall in California. I wasn't expecting Yosemite falls, but this was a bit lame.

This weekend was the state tournament for 1B and 2B here is Spokane. Brenda's alma mater Sunnyside girls and boy both made the tournament along with her school she teaches at now. I got to the stadium on for the Saturday games about 10:30 and last night we got home about 11:30. It was a long day, but Sunnyside boys won 1st place (1B) and Northwest Christian also won 1st place (2B). It was a great day, but we sure were tired. Brenda's parents and aunt came and stayed with us for the end of the week and we also had a good time, but did not get to play any games because of the very late nights.
Here is Sunnyside
Here is NWC (Northwest Christan) posing for their picture.
Today I snagged this picture of Brenda. It is not the best quality, but it gives you idea of how big she is getting. I finally can feel the baby moving and I laugh about every time I feel it because it feels like it is running a marathon in there. Hopefully it is practicing it's jump shot.

In preparation for fatherhood last week we got these guys. 5 baby chicks from the feed store. They are all different kinds, and not sure if they will get along, but we thought we would give them a whirl. They are really cute and grow up fast...kind of like parenthood I hear.
All 5 of the little chicks huddled up in the corner.
Brenda like the birds, as long as she does not have to do any of the work.
This one is going to have a huge head of feathers, and we are not sure if it is rooster or a hen. The others are hens....or so they told us. You can never be 100% sure.

Here was a crazy kid at the game. He was really spazing out but I could only get the last little bit of his dance.


Laura E said...

Wish we could've been at state too! Looks like fun, especially that little boy dancing. I see he stole some mantis moves though. Cute chicks! Nasty kiwi!

Anonymous said...

Wow, how your chicks have grown. Kids don't grow as fast but they are more fun to watch. Lol

Melody Ritzema said...

I was just out to dinner with Steph Heid who told me your blog was hilarious, so I decided to check it out. We are living parallel lives! We're having a sort-of-surpise baby this May too! And we have chickens. And we went hiking today . . . only I imagine your hikes are more scenic than ours are. Anyway, just wanted to say hello & congrats :)