I told them that they could call me if there were any car issues and I could give them a hand. Sure enough, 2hours down the road the car engine was done. They walked to a rest area and then got a ride to the next exit where they got cell reception. The car was towed to Kellogg and Brenda and I went off to pick them up. Diagnosis of the car problems....water in the oil indicating very very bad problems. The car has a lot of miles and it was decided to junk it.

The rest of the day we got home and spent the day watching BBall and trying to find anyway to get them home. I offered her the T-bird for a great price, but that is not quite what they wanted. No big deal as I just got word today that it is sold. Brenda was sad, but I was happy that I can finally take the insurance off of the car. We tried trains, plains and car rentals, but finally they decided on a plane. The earliest flight to Chitown left Sunday evening so we got some more time to hang out.

That night I had heard of a bluegrass concert that was going on not far from here so I thought why not all go together. Quit the mix of people and it was good...especially for free.
Sunday night they left and then it is back to work.
Today was nice weather and we trimmed the trees and worked a bit in the yard.

Today was nice weather and we trimmed the trees and worked a bit in the yard.