Sunday we left the beach house and drove down Hwy 1 about 45 min and it was a perfect day. We stopped at a grocery store before we got on the road and picked up a picnic lunch. I could do that everyday.

Brenda at lunch.
Today I went to the annual British Motorcycle show with Harry Webb. After the show I thought I would go for a ride. 5 hours later I arrived at home. for my ride I wanted to try a bit of offroad riding. I found a route through some private roads that enabled me to take gravel/dirt roads from south San Jose to Santa Cruz. The views on the way were so spectacular it could not be captured with pictures.
One of the overlooks. You could see the entire Monterey Bay all the way up to Santa Cruz.....perfect day.
One of the steep assents. the roads were generally good, but there were a few spots that bottomed the bike out and it got a bit squirly in others.
Yet another viewpoint

Government update: Obama and the government has once again screwed the responsible American that thinks for himself. Apparently they are now going to help pay off peoples mortgages if the people are underwater on their mortgage. So, let me get this straight....when everyone was telling me to buy a house and get in the market because real estate always goes up, I should have listened. Instead I realized the houses were way overpriced and thought I should act responsibly and save money (Yes I know in today society it appears as if SAVE is the only four letter word banned). So, by saving my money.... I now have to pay more taxes to subsidize those people who spent money they didn't have on houses they couldn't afford. How can this be. Someone will eventually have to set this BS government straight. If I ever get to talk to Obama I will make sure to thank him for pumping money into the housing market to keep the overinflated prices inflated far above actual market conditions so I cannot afford one.
"We, the few, have done so much for the ungrateful for so long that we can do almost anything with next to nothing" Quote from my boss Matt Nicely....he has a lot of good one liners.