This is what James has been up to. He is now walking all over the place and loves to laugh. I finally got the video to upload and have had a bugger of a time with it. Blogger has got to do something about that feature, but maybe it is the fact I usually have longer videos.
In preparation for this summer we also purchased this from Cabelas recently. Seeing as our other tent was scavenged out of a dumpster (literally) and has a broken zipper, duct tapped floor, is way to small, and has always had mold stains all over it, I think it was about time. After a lot of looking I found one that fit the required criteria such as; can be set up in <10minutes, has a divider(at least so James cant see whats going on on the other side of the tent.....I will convince him it was a bear), could be bought with Cabelas points and no cash out of pocket, no mold stains, and big enough for our family.
The rents were here this weekend and we had a great time. Of course I was given the duties of breakfast, a duty my father normally had growing up.
James has the job of being adorable.
Brenda had to go to church to confess she loves me...and yes that is a sin.

Dad took care of James.
James's favorite pastime is playing with the pans.
Here is the latest family photo.
This is a bit out of order, but here is James on mothers day after we got home from church. Notice the carnation for his mom.
We had a chance to go to the Cataldo Mission with my parents this weekend. It is the oldest standing building in Idaho and was built in 1862. Pretty cool place and a great day for a picnic.
After the picnic we went for a ride on the trail. This is a 72 mile paved trail going from Plummer ID to Mullan. A co-worker of mine recently has resigned and had the duties of oversight of the trail and now I guess it is my responsibility. You may be thinking to yourself, why would an environmental company be in charge of a recreational trail. Well years ago it used to be a railroad and they used mine tailing's and waste rock to build it, so essentially it is a trail of contamination. Here is the part where I am thankful for the good old days since their neglect of the environment has provided me with employment and will continue to do so for a very long time. I am not saying the contamination is good, but if someone has to clean up the world and make it a better place, it may as well be me.
I never get tired of this view out the back porch. My parents also loved the view and drinking coffee out here in the morning. We had a great time with them and I think this is 2 straight years we have gotten my mother on a bicycle after a 20 some year dry spell. I somehow neglected to take pictures of it, but that could be because James way crying for about 7 miles of the bike trip and no one was really smiling at that point.