Ike was able to secure the Pantego Goose Club for all of us to stay.

That night we had the rehearsal dinner and after that we loaded up the truck with beer, guns, and a frog gig. for those of you who do not know frog gigging is when you shine a light in the ditches and when you see a from you then take a 20' pile with four spears on the end to stab the frog. Why would you do this? For the legs of course. The weather was kind of cool for gigging, but we got a couple.
Loading up
Greg with the first frog of the night

We also saw 7 black bears and I chased one out of the truck and got about 15 feet from it...before I finally thought about what I was doing and stopped. Good times. Eric also got out of tthe truck and kicked a possum that Ike was shinning from the truck. I have not laughed that hard time.
The next day there was a ton of wind the and the outdoor wedding had to be changed to indoor. It actually turned out really well and was cool looking. As a groomsman I did not get any pictures of the ceremony and really only got a few.
Here is the bride and groom.
Here I am with Eric.
Here are the bridesmaids.
The ushers.
And Eric trying to say who is going to wash all the dishes. I know some of you have seen this game at weddings before, and it is a good time.

Then after the reception it was time for the wine down. It was more like a beer down. Everyone retired to the hunting club for a few cold ones and a little conversation. I put a limit of midnight on my time because I had to wake up at 430am and drive Paul and Greg to the airport as well as leave for my cycle trip so I figured that would be a good time to go to bed. Paul and Greg thought that 245am would be a good time.
Yuengling is something we do not have here in Washington so it is always nice to mix it up a bit.
Notice all the birds on the walls. My kind of place and I think I may have to come back hunting sometime.
Here is Eric and Rebecca. He finally found a beer. If I see correctly Eric is double fisting it. Actually he is holding one for Paul...he tried to keep Paul adequately hydrated so he could hit on the bridesmaid...it did not pan out. Paul is his own guy and does not need any help from us.

Frog gigging is a good time and fairly straight forward. Just stab the frog. Here is Greg giving it a try.
Have you ever wondered what happens to frog legs after cutting them off the frog, skinning them, and then putting salt on them...neither had I, but here it is
Well that is about it, and the next installment will be the motorcycle trip back to Washington.