While in Merced I got to give Brenda a tour of what I actually do. She has never really understood what I do and she cannot visit me at work in San Jose due to site security, but I think she now has somewhat of an idea.

Myron and Andrea at the cool reception.
Something you might not see very often. A bride hoola hooping.
We stayed at Kevin and Lyndsays house this weekend. Here is Ethan thinking I am pretty funny.
EJ again.
Delaney (my brothers daughter). She is very, very cute.
This thurs. I flew out to Wisconsin to go to Greg LeMahieu’s wedding in Oostburg. I met up with Eric Hoksema (AKA Hooker) and Isaac Borema (Ike) and drove to Oostburg. It was great to see all of the friends that I have not seen for so long and get to catch up with them. Greg and Paul have not changed at all Greg and Paul had some smoked fish in their fridge at there house and it made all of the fridge smell like fish so when we went to take a sip of the beer in the fridge you would have a strong fishy smell with it. Just incase you were thinking of marketing the idea of fish flavored beer let me tell you it will not work. . We spent the first night going to on of Pauls softball games and shouting encouragement (I guess you could call it that) from the sidelines. We then went to the Handle Bar and Grill for dinner and Beer. We got a chance to meet Sandy and I must say that this woman has no idea how good looking she is, because if she did, she would not be with Greg (see pictures below).
Friday more friends showed up and we went to the beach for the day and then to the rehearsal dinner. It was at a pizza place and had all of the free beer you could drink. Ma Lemahieu made sure that our glasses were always filled and we were enjoying ourselves. After a lot of good old story telling we left the rehearsal and went to a bar in Sheboygan. This was a great time and after a round or four of beers and some (yegger) were we all having a good time. Paul and I got schooled at foosball and we decided to call it a night at 1am.
At 430am the next day Greg took Ike, his cousin, and me fishing. Yes we only got 3.5 hours of sleep, but that is all we needed. I am not sure what Greg was thinking, but what better was to spend the morning of your wedding day than getting a good stink of fish all over you. The wedding went well and the reception as well. We were al concerned about Paul and the best mans toast, but after some liquid courage Paul started his toast and to everyone surprise was hilarious. It was the best, best mans toast I have ever heard and it was like watching someone I have never met up there talking. After living with Paul for 3yrs I got to know him pretty well, but I have never seen anything like that.
To get the couple to kiss during the reception you were required to shoot a deer target (3d life-size decoy) with a nerf shotgun or bow and arrow(defiantly a Wisconsin thing). By the end of the night after the great Fred Bear song was sung the deer was being danced around the floor by all different Wis. guys. Shaumber and Reticheck (two guys that I only know by last name and are quite the legends in that area) split the deer in two and were using the front and hind quarters as air guitars at one point.
And you didn't think anyone could top the bride and groom.
Here is the happy couple.