We were able to get our passports thankfully and it only took two trips to the passport office, 1o hours of waiting in line, $200, and of course a couple of hours on the phone talking to a robot and listening to Bach.
Below is a picture of the weirdest person I have met since as long as I can remember. "Phil" had drank 3 double shot espressos before getting in line and could talk to a brick wall. He was warned by various other people to leave them alone or they would call the security guards. He would come up to us and just start talking and jump into all of these weird stories about his brother getting a head butt by a 5'1'' Israeli in 1982 when he was trying to enter into a national park because he was carriying a can of Coke. I also took a video of him and I think that he talked to everyone in the office, but I can't post it here and it does not do him justice.
P.S. If you intend to get a passport soon... start now. Do not listen to the people (government officials) when they tell you a timeline. Some people in line had to fly out here from Wisconsin to get their passport because it was held in the SF regional office.