Part 2 starts out as we are arriving in Rocky Mountain National Park. Well, actually, before we entered we stopped by the pharmacy to talk to the pharmacist to see about James rash he got. His entire body was covered in a rash and we suspected the chlorine from the pool in Pinedale and after talking to the pharmacist, he thought we were right. Tylenol and lotion should fix it.
Brenda's first time in the park and she was pumped.
Look at the nice alpine area. The road went above 13,000ft and it was a lot of fun to drive.
James was a bit tired and not sure if he liked the park
We got him out and made him enjoy any good parent would do.
The first night we got next to no sleep as James also got a suspected fever (did not bring the thermometer, but it was a fever, a trip to Urgent Care in Estes Park corfimed it the next day) and could not sleep more the 40 minutes without waking up. The next two nights after that also proved to be doosies and not all the Tylenol in the world would help...believe me I tried.
We headed up the bear lake road. It is closed for construction after 9am so you have to get up early or you have to take a shuttle bus. Shuttle bus was not going to happen since we have a screaming kid, and I hate them. We were up all night anyway so we had no problem getting up early.
Went on about 4-5 miles of hiking trails and got to see 4 picture perfect lakes. James was pretty much lethargic and did not walk for three days, but the backpack was just the ticket to get out and see the sights. Nothing a little fresh air won't cure.

James again not wanting to even smile.
Taking a break from hiking to eat. He was very picky and seemed to only like the pringles. Can't say that I blamed him, they were good.
Anytime we got in the car he slept, so we did end up driving a lot so he could get his rest, but that also allowed us to see all the great places in the park.
Then it was off to Denver to see our good friend Joel get married. We know Joel from San Jose and were very glad to see him find a girl to settle down with. We also got a good chance to catch up with Kevin and Lyndsay Schenk. Luckily the day we went down there James had just about returned to normal and from there on out he slept like a rock every night and was a pleasure to be around.
The woman and I at the rehearsal dinner.
Not quite sure what is happening here, but I hear this is common in some cultures.
Here is Joels brother (one of the two best men) writing a speech for the toast....about 20 minutes before the ceremony. Two nights before we had about 10 guys camping and swapping Joel stories and it was a pretty good time. Plenty of beverages were on hand to celebrate the occasion and it was a great time in the woods with the men.
Here I am with one of the bridesmaids.

Brenda of course got the party started and did not let it die till she said it could die. This is one wild woman I am married to.
The happy couple in the middle....oh and each side to.
Kevin and I had a great time. We are generally very alike and have the same sense of humour. He often can finish any punch line I start and we loved making our wives laugh so hard they cried.
Party still rocking and Brenda is rolling
At the end of the night it was time to pack up and head out.
The next day we took off about 9am and booked it to Bozeman to spend two nights with my rents in the new stomping grounds. After church on Sunday we went out for a hike to a great waterfall. I really liked the Bozeman area and see why so many people like to live there.
Dad and the boy hitting the trail. Many years ago that was me up there.
The area kind of looked like Devils Postpile in the eastern Sierra's, but with a waterfall. Of course even here you have some idiot who hiked to the top and threw a couple rocks at the bottom. I was a long long way, and if I had a gun I would have scared the crap out of him. I felt bad hoping to see him slip and fall down the cliff, but I got over it.
Oh, and here is a video Brenda shot. I am so simple minded I thought nothing of her recording me changing a diaper, but you guessed it. Kiddo number 2 is on its way and due the first week of February.
Oh yeah!!! Brenda, brilliant way to tell John :) So exciting!
That is CLASSIC and so CREATIVE! What a great way of telling, and what a great reaction from John! Have a fabulous week!
Absolutely loved seeing you guys and grateful you could make it to share our day with us! Thanks for the gracious comments about Wed night btw! Hope to see you guys again soon!!
Great video!
Love the video:) Way to catch John in the moment:) Fun times were had by all!
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