Brenda and I have been up to not much lately. No matter the week, the work continues and the seasons are changing. The weather has seemed to turn cold overnight and with a couple of frosts already, or garden is done and the summer is over. Still time for a few rides though.
Common sight...that kid can fall asleep in about any position
A couple weeks ago we had a chance to be part of the amazing home race. It was put on by our real estate agents company and there were about 400 teams with the grand prize being $10,000 cash. If we would have won the rest of this post would be about Cancun, but we did have fun.
Again, about any position.
He loves this seat. It is normally called a Bumbo, but we like to call it a dumpo...because that is what he does every time he sits in it. The position it puts him in also was not designed by diaper manufactures to contain anything...but boy does he look happy.
This is also the season for apple pies. We have a apple tree and a couple of pear trees and believe it or not pears make awesome pies as well.
Last weekend we went down to the in-laws. James got a quick ride in a T and smiled the whole way.
Then he likes sitting with all of their weird gourds.
We had a chance to go on a hike as well up Cowitchie Canyon.
Jim about stepped right on this rattlesnake and we saw two other on the trail during the hike. Not the greatest place to take kids or animals, but we had a good time. We were very conscious of where we stepped after seeing this guy. We survived the encounter, but the same cannot be said for him.
Very interesting geological formations in this area and the weather was beautiful.
Here is my boy sporting the company colors.
What is missing from this picture....
You guessed it, another bike. I told Brenda if I did not ride the BMW and give it the love it deserves it would asexually reproduce. Now that there are two in the garage they might produce bikes faster.
I got it tore down to this now and trying to get the engine to turn over. The bikes does not run and I cannot verify if it has in the past 25 years or so...good winter project I guess.
Maybe someday it will look like this. I obviously will not get it as nice, but you can kind of see what I am going to shoot for.
Here is James and the giant pumpkin. No, that is not a fairy tale, it is a real thing.
I also had to get a picture with him. I have yet to weigh Jabba, but hope to sometime this week.
You had better save me and the kids some seeds from that giant pumpkin. Id like to grow one next year. Man that boy is cute. Looks like a real happy kid. Have fun with that project. From what Brenda was telling Missy, you'll have your hands full. Tell the expatriated cousins we said hi in a few weeks..
Loved the pictures. How cute is little James with all those gourds.
Nice pumpkin John. I found some more seeds and thought I'd let your brother have some for next year.
Hehe, I found this post by googling for images of "weird gourds".
Amazing pumpkin by the way!
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