Work has been very busy and we are trying to get all the field work wrapped up before the bad weather hits, but no such luck. The forecasted high for the week is about 45F and it should be raining or cloudy all week. In Wallace ID, where my jobsite is, there is some snow on the ground at the higher elevations and I suspect that there will be some snow at the lower elevations by the end of the week.

- Political advertisements. I Think I am going to go and vote for anyone I have not heard of. If I see a name on the ballot I recognize, it must have been from some BS commercial and I will automatically reject their name and move on.
- Ballot measures. With all the measures we have to vote on these days, it kind of makes you wonder what we are paying out state reps to do. I thought that they were paid to make these decisions, and if we did not like their decisions then we vote them out. Next they are going to ask us the wipe their butts as well…if I have to hold their hand the whole time we may as well do their job for them…oh wait…we already are.
- On 60min last night they had some sob story about a guy who got laid off and could not find work. They tried to make us feel bad about the adjustments his family had to make. Their poor fragile lifestyle had to change. He used to make 200K a year and now was trying to whine that he now cannot afford to send his kid to college or pay the mortgage on the house…Mortgage…couldn’t he have paid that off in like 5 years making 200K a year? Oh, wait…he is an idiot and wanted a band new Mercedes for everyone in his whole family instead of paying off his debts (Want to bet he leased the cars…bonehead). As for college, let you kid get loans like everyone else….or…wait….get a job. My company is trying to hire a lot of people right now and if you are willing to travel there are jobs out there. Were we actually supposed to feel sorry for him?
I do have a lot more things for this list, but I don’t want to be thought of as bitter.
Lets play what's wrong with this picture....it probably took you about 2 seconds to find it(name not matching the picture), but apparently the dumb workers at the BOA here in WA cannot figure it out. Since California is on a different system than Washington we had to open a new account. I thought that was why I banked with a national company....so I didn't have to do that. I have had it with the BOA up here. The personnel just ask if you called customer service when you go in and ask a question...hello that's why I am here. They make you fill out deposit slips as well...Isn't that what they get paid to do? They don't have a clue how the bank functions, but sure can spit the robotic crap that gets ingrained into their brains during their initial training. We will be switching banks as soon as the house stuff gets worked out.