Lots of time has gone by and I have not posted...a resounding theme. Well last weekend we went up to this cool little town and made of day out of listening to bluegrass music and having a little picnic. Here is the steam train on the way there.

Steam locomotive...very loud and cool.
The dedication of the new train station in the town of Niles was a good time.
We also finally broke down and got a new bed. Somehow these salesmen always make me feel like I got screwed even if I think I got a good deal. The delivery was worth the price alone because that is not a very big space to fit it into and did not want to have to deal with that. Now....for breaking it in.
Brenda took picks of how they got it up the stairs so we can get it out again if we ever move.
Also got a chance to customize the bike. Yes that is a snakeskin on the air intake....sweeeeett.

This Saturday we went up to Muir woods and Mount
Tamalpais on the bike for a quick day trip and hike. The view overlooking the bay was unbelievable and it was perfect weather.

The giant redwoods are something to behold.

Nice trail through the woods was just what I needed after a long week.

The flowers this time of year are so amazing. With all of the rain we have been getting it is just making it that much better.

Another pic of me pulling up the rear.

Again overlooking the city of San Francisco.
We also had the school auction this weekend and had a great time. This year we thankfully did not get the food poisoning that was present at the last auction. That was three days I would never want to relive again....ever.

The auctioneer and I got along well unlike in years past.

Here are the high bidders for the night. We came away with some raceway tickets and a giant basket of nuts. Nothing to write home about until we actually get to go to the race.
The below story actually happen and my commentary has been toned down with some helpful editing from my lovely wife...She strives to make me a bit more civilized, but somethings are a lost cause.
We also had a basketball game yesterday and won. This guy on the other team was such a jerk, and after we fouled him one time he went and got up in one of our players faces and shoved the ball in his face. This of course did not go over well and ended in both players having to be restrained, but the jerk from the other team getting a T and having to sit out a while. Fast forward to tonight and checking through the mail what does my wife see.....a political
flyer for Donald Rocha...the idiot of the month and the guy who tried to start the fight. It is the same guy from the game. This guy is actually trying to run for City Council in San Jose. I read through the 4 page
flyer and try to keep an open mind and sure enough, he stands for absolutely nothing. He is just as arrogant on paper as in real life.
I mean it actually says that his plans for the city include:
1: "Balance the budget and eliminate wasteful spending." (no S*&^ sherlock...I mean, isn't everyone for this. The real question is how are you going to do this. Quit it with the political catchphrases of the year.)
2: "Create jobs and stimulate our local economy" (pandering pandering pandering....what a tool. This statement actually says nothing at all and makes me want to puke)
3: " protect parks....and community center programs for children and seniors" (what about the rest of us? I guess you only care about kids and seniors. I assume he also wants programs for us as well so he can continue to start fights and build community).
Donaldrocha.com for anyone interested.