The weekends are not eventful either with it typically consisting of a couple of motorcycle rides and hanging out with friends. You might say that life is pretty nice. Sure there are always things that you would like to change, but complaining has never done anyone any good.
I can't remember if I described what I do for a living before, but it changes so often and I am to lazy to look I will describe what I do here. When gas stations have tanks that leak I get to clean it up. One of the ways we do this is sucking the vapors out of the ground and burning them in a chamber before emitting them to the air....I know really interesting....not
Here is a picture of one of the Thermal Oxidizer units we operate.
I also wanted to comment on the "Bachelor". Before you get all excited...No I don't watch it, but my wife wishes I did. I saw about 10min of it last night and I I am at a loss for words. These women are complete idiots and it is obvious to me that they are dying to get used. How can any one of these people take themselves seriously? Why are these women desperate? Probably because if you do get to spend time with them in an actual relationship you will see that they have no personality, are totally illiterate, self-centered and devoid of any moral compass. Brenda also agrees the show is dumb, but she loves to watch it. This may be one of the many mysteries of women that I may never find the answer to; why watch a show you know is fake and dumb????? The world may never know.
FYI if Brenda was on that show, instead of gossiping around the pool and looking like an idiot, she would be doing cannon balls and swimming laps.....which is much hotter.
I don't think the rut is boring, it's normal. You are sounding like you actually live a normal life. I was beginning to wonder if you ever did the normal things like be on the internet and watch TV. Now I know, and I'm glad. About the Bachelor...I watched this season for the first time and was really put off with the women...they make women look bad. You have to realize there are producers behind this show who want these desperate women because they make "good" TV.
I too will weigh in on the Bachelor: Ron and I watch it together, sort of. He gets all upset about the "stupid women" and says things like, "she needs to go" and then he realizes, this is just TV isn't it? Why do we care? It is all entertainment...sometimes we run out of books, good conversation and grandkids to entertain us!
I strongly dislike the Bachelor. I admit to watching it way back when, but now... it just makes me want to throw up in my mouth. Maybe they can randomly place Brenda and myself on the show to continually play pranks, do cannon balls, put dye in the shampoo, etc, etc... wouldn't that be a hoot?
Loved the update on your job! and i agree re: Brenda's canon balls being real eye candy for a future Bachelor episode!! cara
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