Sunday, May 10, 2009

The end of an era.

Yes it pains me to say it, but the Motorcycle is no more. I know you are probably thinking that I wrecked it or something, but that is not the case...I sold it. To some that may seem like a betrayal of a loyal friend, but for me I think it was a great bike, but I needed to make room for a different one. Yes I said a different bike. I am now in the market for a motorcycle and hoping to find something soon seeing as it was 80 and beautiful today.

Here is Harry acting like...himself at the auction.

Last weekend we had a school auction which is always a memorable time. This year was especially memorable and is going to be talked about for years to come. No, it is not because I ad to much wine and danced on the table top (something Kevin Schenk would say), but is was because no less than 40 people ended up with food poisoning. I was really ill on Monday as was supposed to go on a 5 day road trip for work, but while standing at the door at 5am on Monday I just could not go out and want back to bed. I started the vomit routine at about 8am and continued every hour on the hour for the next 5 hours. Most of the day was a blur, but I was very sore and thought I had pig flu for a while. When I heard that a bunch of people from the auction were also sick, I was relieved that I was not contagious. I also missed work on Tuesday as pert of my recovery and was able to eliminate a few of the pest squirrel in our backyard with the help of an air rifle.

Here is another classic Harry shot.

The "gals" had a great time as always.
I have no idea why I have so many Harry photos, but here is another.

Last week Thursday I ate some rattlesnake on the grill. I killed one at work and thought I would give it a try and it was not that bad. I hope to get a bigger one and have it again someday. Brenda conveniently went out for the night so she did not get some and I know how bad she wants to eat it.
Is it bad that my wife is obviously stronger than me????her guns are huge...and hot.


Laura E said...

That girl has guns like her momma! Wow, I'm surprised the motorcycle is gone, but I'm not surprised you're on the market for another one. I hope you find one soon! Sorry to hear about your illness...that sounds horrible...even worse than morning sickness!

Lyndsay said...

Yuck, I'm not sorry I missed that auction. Good luck w/ the motorcycle hunt. The ole' Tbird haning in there still?