Andrea looking at the pumpkins. We got ours right from the vines somewhere else.
This weekend after working in Richmond I went up to Davis CA to meet up with my wife, Myron,and Andrea. Brenda and I drove separately because I was halfway there already and I did not want to backtrack(it only took me 2.5 hours to go 70miles where it took Brenda 3.25 hours to go ~100. you gotta love the weekend rush). We had a great time going out to eat at this hip place called “bistro33”(I think). Of course it had great food and the conversation with friends was even better. It is nice being with people you know really well and you can say anything you want and you won’t offend them (who care about the people at the tables around us). The waitress had a nice lip-ring and thought it so curious that Brenda had a tan that she asked her “how do you get so tan”? I know Brenda felt like asking her how did she get such good manners (and then ripping her ring out of her mouth), but showed the utmost grace in her response. There was live music of a guy covering popular songs of today (I was told that they were popular, but I have not heard of them before…that might be because I listen to country and prefer music that I can understand the lyrics… not music where all of the words slur together into some sort of drunken, high, mentally incapacitated mumbo-jumbo). He did sing some songs I had heard before and was an excellent singer.
We stayed at the Kampers place Friday night and then on Saturday we went to the Placerville area up highway 50 to the apple hill area. As you might expect there were a lot of apple orchards here and lots of vineyards as well. It was a dark and damp day, but I have never felt so good in such weather. It almost felt like winter (a San Jose winter…not the so cold I think I just got a sex-change winters of the Midwest) but nice all the same. Brenda and Andrea needed a pumpkin so we picked one of those up and also visited a Winery in the area. A very fun and relaxing place to spend the weekend (except now it is my job to carve the pumpkin).

We passed this hotel/B&B in the apple hill area.(for those of you who can't read the small print it the the MORNING WOOD comment is needed on my part, the name says it all).
We drove back to Davis and then watched the movie the Black Dahlia. This is a ridiculous stupid twisted movie that looks good in the previews but must have been thought up by some twisted sicko who never had anyone tell him he was loved or some crap like that because it was so weird. It could have been good if it was not so weird, sexual, bizarre, masochistic…wait that was the whole movie…so there is no way that this movie can be good. Take my advice and save yourself the waste of time and don’t watch this movie. You would be better off watching a good classic like Seven (Brad Pitt) if you want a crazy weird movie fix.
On a side note, has anyone been to a Marriot lately? I am staying at one now and they have the best cookies I have ever tasted. Where do they get them and what addictive substance is in these modern marvels? I must find the answer.
A bad picture of the singer at dinner.
Sorry for the picture quality, but they were all taken on a camera phone.