Wednesday, June 28, 2017


following up on a long time away makes me think that Facebook has taken over the world.  It is so easy to post a pic and a short blurb and update your life.  I still feel like a blog is worthwhile and I like going back in time and seeing what is happening.
Sierra is just getting to be such a cutie pie.  I think she knows it as well and that is something that we will have to keep in check.
James finished up kindergarten and got to hang out with his best bud Gunner.
I thought it was time to take the old café racer out of the barn and out of the garage and get it in the hands of someone who could actually enjoy it, so much to my dismay, I sold it.  I learned a lot while building this bike and have gotten so many compliments on the seat and finishing of the bike, but alas, it was time to let her go.
James wanted a football birthday and although I did not dress up like a referee (like he wanted me too), he did get to have a bunch of friends over and had a good time.
He was given the lego technics set and put the entire thing together himself.  I have thought for sometime that kids need more and more responsibility at younger ages than society says they should and if you ever watch a kid put legos together, you will see what I am talking about.  Kids are way more competent than society gives them credit for.
Summertime in Spokane is high time to hit up the splash pad.
James and I got a chance to go out to a friends house and ride around his property.  He did great and only asked for a break once his throttle hand got tired.  Sometimes you just get so darn proud of your kids it is hard to contain yourself.
Brenda and I got a chance to go on a quick motorcycle ride to Palouse Falls for the day.  unfortunately two days later a man fell off the cliffs while taking a selfie.
Sierra just being Sierra.
And then she tries to drive a broken down model T.  She will one day drive one.
I took a day off and while James was finishing up school, I took Mathew out to the lake for some fishing.  we could hardly keep the line in the water without getting a bite.
Of course Brenda had to go to Manito Park to look at a lilacs during the peak bloom
Then it was James' turn to go fishing.
And time for him to race again
Then it was time for the big day.  He had a great time in kindergarten and I think he is learning a lot.
James and Matt had the great idea to make some money by selling their toys at a garage sale...on a Tuesday afternoon...with one sign on the corner.  Well, they did not sell anything and a few of the items were a bit overpriced, but I think they had fun.
Tim for the pool at the end of the slide.  I love the heat of summer and I think this one is going to be a good one.
The boys went with mom and Grandma to flag day and the big parade.  The next day, I find them when I come down in the morning and find the kids counting the candy.  They are big into candy, but always ask before they eat them.