It was Thursday morning about 0330 and I awoke to Brenda on the phone...interesting, I wonder what is up. She was on the phone with the doctor and the hospital and I knew that this time it was for real. She was having contractions that were very strong and they did not let her move around freely. This was serious. On the way to the hospital she was not feeling great and I knew that when I parked, we had to get into the building withing about 60 seconds since that is about how far the contractions were apart.
Once we got in, they took some blood to run some tests and get ready for the epidural, but there was not time for that. It is a good thing that thee doctors did not tell her the epidural was not going to happen since that would have sent her over the edge. At one point the doctor had to tell Brenda she could not kick him anymore and that the screaming was not helping and she needed to push. That is all the motivation she needed and about 5 minutes of pushing later, the baby was here and I was able announce the "IT'S A GIRL!!!"
Here she is about 1 minute after and purple. She was 9lbs and 15oz's with lots and lot of rolls. She was so very very precious and really did not cry alot. We are hoping the lack of crying is a sign of things to come.
Double chin anyone!
Please note my "birth shirt". I have worn this for every one of my kids birthdays and have received quite a few comments on it from the nurses over the last few years.
Here is a close up of the insignia on the shirt. The nurse this time started laughing and then said it took her a while to figure it out but thought it was very funny. I only wish I could get a bigger logo on the shirt so you could not miss it as I walked around the labor and delivery floor.
Sierra had some low blood sugar (as did Matthew) so off to the NICU it was.
If you have to be in the NICU, Spokane is the place to be. They have a great staff that is pretty easy going and they have a good sense of humor. Sierra shared a room with a 1lb 14oz baby. She was bigger than four other babies in her area put together!
Constantly sleeping as always.
Finally she it awake.
Happy mama.
While heading out to run some errands on of the days I noticed I was ticketed in the hospital parking lot. The NICU nurse carries around a roll of "validation stickers" that she told me to put on the sticker on the ticket and you should be good to go. A whole $3 ticket...I mean seriously.

Even with the ticket, you are not going to damper my spirits.
Time to finally go home.
This was the first time the boys got to see their sister close up. They could not go into the NICU so this was the first time they got to inspect her.
James loves to hold her and does so at least a hour a day or so.
Happy brothers
Jim and Sandra came up and took care of the boys when we were at the hospital and were able to spend some time with Sierra
I think this reminds me of Matthew so much. He used to sit like this for hours.
Here is a very happy grandma.