Fist off I want to give a atta Boy to google for making blogger so much easier to upload pictures. That has been an issue for some time and they now have a easy way to upload the picture I find are vital to keeping up with posting.
When we left you last Brenda and I just had the young James dedicated. That next Friday we left on a 2 week vacation stopping in Indiana and then continuing on to London to visit my cousin and his family for a week and a half. The fist stop was at Brenda's sisters in Lafayette.
Here is James with his two cousins at the park.
He loved that swing and figured out over this vacation how to really mug it up for the camera
We really had a great time hanging out in the house and bummin around town.
We visited a local farm and historical area where they had a Sear and Roebuck house and the nicest lady inside that was very informative. She ran a dishwasher that was so loud we could hardly hear each other think
Then we were off to the anniversary celebration of the battle of Tippecanoe. Most of us really have no idea that this battle was so important to the Indian wars, but the people in this area certainly know and now I do as well.
The places for family pictures were everywhere.
I wore that baby carrier a lot during this vacation. I insisted that we travel with minimum luggage so there was certainly no room for a stroller.
I thought James fit nicely into this doll high chair....that in until I tried to get him out. The tray was not a removable kind and James tensed his legs up making freeing him form this contraption nearly impossible. After a lot of pushing and screams of pain form him he was free. I think we both leaned something that day. Me: he is to big for any doll stuff, Him: never trust dad.

Then we were off to London. James did great on the plane and all the trains we took as well. People in London mostly keep to themselves and never look at you on the train. I had the cutest kid in the entire nation and no one even cracked a smile at him.
Then we were off from London to Cambridge. My cousin in a professor at St. Catherine's at Cambridge University and we were going to stay at their place for the next 7 days.
Day 1 had us visiting the university botanical gardens right down the street and Brenda acting like a crazy woman
Then a family photo with only James's forehead. Matt and Cara had a couple of stroller so we could use them when we were in Cambridge.
I found out the soda in England is actually good for you, it has vegetable extracts. Wait a minute....I think the soda in the U.S. has that to.
The colors and weather were awesome. It did not rain once during our 10 days in England. The weather was better than we could have imagined and are very thankful for that.
The first of many phone booths. Everyone has cell phones, but the phone booth is kind of iconic so they keep them all over the place. We only saw 2 people using them for making calls the entire vacation...and about 200 people using them for the above purpose.
Here is Kings College and the cute kid as well
We would be given a tour of the cathedral another day by my cousin, but this day we walked all over the town getting our bearings and checking out all the architecture they have over there.
Here is the family and Kayli. She had a 2 yr birthday party while we were there and there will be more to come about that.
Next post will finish the trip to England. I have way to many pics to fit it in just one post.