The day my in-laws and wife's sister's family left, my brother and his family arrived. We thought it might be good to go around Tubbs hill, yet again. You will see a lot of redundancy with the events we chose, but why mess with what works.

Here is evidence that my sister-in-law can run...who would have thought?
We also got a chance to go up to Mt. Spokane. This was the first day of the season that you could drive to the top, so needless to say it was cool up there. My guests were freezing at those temps as they came from 95 degree weather.

That night my parents brought us to a cowboy supper show. Brenda and I did it last year with them and it was cool, but the kids loved it even more and we all had such a good time. Thanks mom and dad.
Sunday we went to Manito Park to view the flowers and then to Downtown Spokane.
The rose garden was in bloom and the smell up there was amazing.

Again...we went on the carousel.
Then we went on the gondola over the Spokane falls. That was fun, but the cabins of the gondola were fairly hot and I had to take my shirt off. I also had to rock the cabin once or twice
As I I mean it had to be 90 in there. In Spokane the weather this year is cool and as I write this wile heat grips 90 percent of the country...Spokane is 75-80 and sunny.
and of course we went on the Radio Flyer wagon for a slide down the handle.
Then of course we went in the fountain again.
Here is one of the views from the trail.
Here is my sister and sister-in-law on the tandem bike.
And two kids in the carrier. James was alone in the other and besides having dirt all over his face....he was fine.
Here we all next to the waterfall.
And the whole family....after 3 takes.
Check out those bridges, they are amazing.
And Brenda and I outside of one of the tunnels.

Here is Brenda near a few of the bushes.

Here is my brothers family

Monday we went to the beach in Coeur d'Alene. My dad was nice enough to rent a sailboat and although the wind was very light all day, we all had a great time out on it. The kids thought it was cool and I always like to screw around on boats.
Then the next day I was able to round up 5 bikes and two kid trailers and off we went to the "route of the Hiawatha". This is a old railroad grade converted to bike trail. It runs like 15 miles all downhill, over 7 bridges, and through 10 tunnels. At the beginning of the route you go through a 2 mile tunnel which crosses the MT ID boarder underground.

Here is my niece chasing the chickens...this is her first time in the coop and she got a bit more aggressive after getting to know them.
I some good pics already for the next post and another video that cannot be missed....stay tuned.