Tuna Tang was a surprise that was unexpectedly good. Spikey fruit was also good.
So we were out of town for the last week or so in Tijuana doing a service project with some other people form our church. We had a great time and got to do a lot of stuff. Drywalling a halfway house, pouring a footing for a wall, and putting on kids VBS type thing was a great time. We also worked with a drug and alcohol rehab center. This was a real rehab center..not one of those pansy CA rehab centers. In this one the guys were locked in a room with other guys for the first 15days to detox. No medications to help get them off it or make the symptoms less painful...just cold turkey.
Here is Jason working with Adrian(a rehab guy).

We had to figure out my height in Meters to answer the many questions.

We also went to a jail where the offenders were kept for the first 36hrs after their arrest. No cameras allowed inside, but this is the guy who has the connection on the inside. This ministry was very fun and cool, but the smell inside of the jail was not pleasant (as one might expect from a Mexican jail).

Here is the boarder between Mexico and the U.S. I told Brenda to make a run for it, but she decided to just stick her foot through.

Here is Brenda, Kelly(on the left), and our missionary Barbarita at the orphanage.

We served dinner at the rehab center when the guys graduated from thee program. Here is Brenda serving Kelly beans with the biggest spoon I have ever seen.

Kids at the Dios altisimo church.
The group at the halfway house.
All in all it was a great time and for other details you could look at our other blog at